12 Glasser

12 rue Edouard Glasser, Motor Pool, 98800 Nouméa
Le 12 Glasser is ideally located in Motor Pool, in the southern neighborhoods of Nouméa. Treat yourself to this bistronomic wine and tapas bar in a retro-chic atmosphere.
Explore this place of culinary extravaganza where flavors are revisited with sophistication, where epicureans enjoy meeting their friends with whom they remake the world and where a team of experts will perfectly match your dishes and your wines for the utmost gustatory pleasure.

A friendly birthday meal, a more corporate meal or a festive end-of-year meal: all occasions are good to head to the 12 Glasser. Brunch is also available!

It is also possible to privatize the very pleasant and...


Available for private hire


All year
17:00 - 23:00

17:00 - 23:00

17:00 - 00:00

17:00 - 00:00

17:00 - 00:00

08:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 00:00



12 Glasser
12 rue Edouard Glasser, Motor Pool, 98800 Nouméa
Contact 12 Glasser
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Updated on 13 January 2025 at 22:07
by Sud Tourisme Nouvelle-Calédonie
(Offer identifier : 5901553)
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