Brush Island

  • Island
ilot Brosse, ile des pins, BP 87, 98832 Île des Pins
Take advantage of your stay on the Isle of Pines to explore this desert island with its columnar pine trees reaching to the sky!
The Isle of Pines lagoon contains a number of small islands, all equally magnificent! Often deserted and populated only by pine trees and coconut palms, some can be accessed by boat if you're out on a sailing trip. Brush Island (Îlot Brosse) located in the water off Kuto Bay is one of these. The unique shape of the columnar pine trees found here—Araucaria columnaris—is how the island got its unusual name! You can visit Brush Island on a full-day or half-day excursion. Once you get there, you...


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Brush Island
ilot Brosse, ile des pins, BP 87, 98832 Île des Pins
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Updated on 15 January 2025 at 00:46
by Sud Tourisme Nouvelle-Calédonie
(Offer identifier : 5529055)
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