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Published on 13 September 2023

BTS Tourism hits the field

Sud Tourisme’s commitment

As part of the training of tomorrow’s young professionals, Sud Tourisme Nouvelle-Calédonie is honoured to be working with BTS Tourisme students on learning, work experience, and study programmes for their advanced vocational training certificate.

On 13 September 2023, an Éductour was organised to let students explore both tourist sites and tourist reception facilities, and the jobs on offer in the tourism sector. The organisers of the event were the students themselves. They took on the role of coordinators and planned the entire Éductour, from the programme to the venues.

Actions in the field

They took turns playing the role of a tour guide to introduce either a commune, a historic site, or a hotel establishment. Between Bourail (with the Sheraton, the youth hostel, the Bourail Museum, the Tourist Office and the Deva estate) and La Foa (Fort Teremba, restaurants, and the Boulouparis distillery), the students got acquainted with some of the best tourist spots in the South Province.

En savoir plus

Contacter Annabelle Baillot, responsable marketing et communication



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